Jon, I’ve been listening for a very long time, so you understand that I am a fan. It hurts, but it needs to be said….
You sound like a Russian who, in turn, is trying to do a French accent and is failing badly.
Since we’re providing constructive feedback, then it should also be said…. you NEED an editor. You frequently mispronounce common English words and you don’t employ the intention of the punctuation. This is especially apparent in the use (or misuse) of periods and commas.
Since you are in the “Big Time” now start raising the level of production values. This is where you will need to focus in order to compete with the professional studios that have entered the podcast industry.
I know it stings to hear criticism. I can only say it is offered to help improve your situation.
There’s a dozen little things that were acceptable when you first started out (yes, I’ve been listening that long) that are now important discriminators to compete successfully at this higher level. A good editor with radio/podcast experience can help you with almost all of them.
Know this too…. The day is coming when you will also have to choose whether you will continue reading versus managing the business versus managing the product (production). Each requires a different set of skills.
Good luck. I’m rooting for you.