This is the true western story of a passel of Texas brothers who fought against a crooked justice system. The original story of the Marlowes became a frontier novel which served as the basis for the John Wayne film 'The Sons of Katie Elder', which...
Two great episodes of Have Gun Will Travel starring John Dehner
Two great episodes of Have Gun Will Travel starring John Dehner as Paladin
John Dehner stars as Paladin in this high voltage western from CBS- Enjoy! Catch all 12 1001 podcasts at today and tell a friend!
Two great episodes of Have Gun Will Travel starring John Dehner as Paladin- Enjoy! Catch our brand new show 1001 True Crime From Another Time at!
Two great episodes of Have Gun Will Travel starring John Dehner
Two great episodes of Have Gun Will Travel with John Dehner as Paladin
Paladin dons his old mCivil War uniform to attend a reunion and finds his old friend there in the process of carrying out a death grudge against the men who court martialed him. Check out all our episodes at
Two great episodes from Tales of The Texas Rangers starring Joel McCrae Catch all the Texas Ranges episodes at
Tom Bass had a very unique methof breaking in horses- and he he became one of the most well-known horse breakers./trainers in the West.This is his story!
Two great stories from the Tales of the Texas Rangers radio show starrintg Joel McCrae.
Two hard-hitting episodes of Gunsmoke atarring William Conrad as Marshall Matt Dillon Check out all our shows at!
The true story of one of tv's greatest westerns-We talk about the realism, Robert Duvall, and the back story. Very interesting for old west fans.
Two great episodes of Have Gun EWill Travel starring John Dehner as Paladin
Two action=packed episodes from Gunsmoke!
Two great episodes of the best western that ever ran on radio- Gunsmoke!
Two great episodes of Gunsmoke starring William Conrad as Sheriff Matt Dillon
Two episodes of radio's gest ever qwestern for grown-ups- GUNSMOKE
This is my version from 1001 Heroes in 2018 and tells the whole story in detail from a number of sources.
I did this one in 2018 for 1001 Heroes and this has not been published here at 1001 Stories From the Old West. Those were Charlie Siringo's versions. You get a much different viewpoint here and I think qa much better one. JH
The Silver Queen- Annette Vargas inherits the Rimrock mine from Leadhead Kane and troubles erupt In An Evil Time- Paladin tracks down $50,000 and a legend
Gun Shy- Sing Wo'schess set and all his money are stolen and Paladin helps out The Status of San Sebastion- A payroll is robbed from Crown ranch and Paladin is called in to find the robbers
Two great episodes of America's favorite radio western, Gunsmoke!- statring Bill Conrad as Sheriff Matt Dillion.