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Wonderful Podcast
You are now on my shortlist of favorite podcasts. I love discovering new-to-me stories that I missed reading when young and enthralled by Sherlock Holmes and his creator. Thank you!

A truly amazing podcast
I listen to this to fall asleep and it’s wonderfulI’m your number 1 fan I listen to these every night I know how people take away stars cause you’re not British but however I have no complaints.what’s your favorite Sherlock Holmes episode?mines the speckled band or the fifth of November

An interesting podcast
What is interesting about this podcast is that it is narrated. This contrasts with most similar podcasts that are repeats of previously broadcast radio shows. Thanks!

Great Company
Enjoy listening to original stories that are the basis of the Old Time Radio Holmes shows. Don’t always need a British speaker for story. I am enjoying and learning about the late 1800s and early 1900s by a knowledgeable host.

This is amazing, not only Sherlock Holmes but also just Doyle, the pastiches are perfect, and you have a good voice, five ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ and more pastiches!

Obsessed with anything Sherlock Holmes
I’m so grateful I found this podcast & so grateful John takes the time to record all these stories for our listening pleasure. All of his podcasts are great! Try to support him too. There aren’t enough words to express my delight & thanks for all the great stories.

Such a gem!
Jon chooses wonderful stories, and his voice is easy on my ears. He is an engaging storyteller who connects with his audience by his love for his art. So many of these stories are fond memories of my childhood, as my dad loved Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories. Hearing them again makes me smile about all the good memories. Thank you, Jon. Warmly, Carol M Schaumburg, IL

Jon Hagadorn is amazingly prolific. He has spoiled me of listening to other podcasters in trying to tell stories. They either talk too much about other things, try to be funny or are boring. Jon hits just the right note on giving background and getting onto the story! Plus, I love his voice changes for all the various characters 😀. I love all his podcasts and really love Sherlock Holmes, so many thanks for hours of enjoyable listening.

My favorite podcast!
I LOVE anything to do with Sherlock Holmes and I can never get enough of his stories. John does a great job bringing Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson to life. I listen as I do my daily run and get so engrossed in the stories, before I know it, my run is over. I have actually run longer sometimes to finish a story. Thank you so much!

A joy to listen to
I regret that I must give it five stars… it deserves six!

Lost World
Just found this 6/21 series and so enjoyed listening. Such an adventure!

There podcasts really bring Sherlock Holmes. To life. I loved them.

Very enjoyable
I’ve been listening for several years now, and I can honestly say that I look forward to the release of each new show! Not only are they entertaining and well presented, but they inform the listener of an earlier, simpler time in mystery writing and radio that I enjoy learning about. Thanks for all the time you invest in these!

Enjoyable Storytelling!
I do love have a good story read to me and especially when the subject is Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson!

Love Radio
I love listening to stories and this podcast. I also love the sound and sensation of an old fashion radio play. Keep up the good work.

Love This!
Really enjoy listening to these well produced stories. Keep up the good work!

Great show!
Keep up the good work!

My mother used to read me these stories. What an enjoyable way to spend my morning drive. Amazing stories. Keeps me very engaged.

A fascinating delight
Hearing these classic stories told with such authenticity and finesse is a real treat. Entertaining and engrossing—plus, I love the mental workout I get following Holmes's deductive reasonings!

Thank you so much. It so good to have a podcast that my son and I can enjoy as a family. Mucho hugs from South Chile.

So enjoyable!
I love listening to these stories love his voice!

I’m getting better at fighting!
I’m a big fan Mr hagadorn!just listening and reading these stories I’ve become basically have Sherlock’s powers I can fight and observe plus I can be a good detective.should I be a detective when I’m older?the best podcasts!

I love it!
But at the same time… that dude loves Petri Wine way to much 😂

Fantastic Sherlock Holmes podcast
I found this podcast recently and it is great!! I love reading Arthur Conan Doyle, especially Sherlock Holmes mysteries, and the way these stories are read is engaging and interesting. They’re also not too long for me, which is nice. Thanks for a great podcast!!

All 1001s Review
John, I found your work by accident several months back. I started with them to help me relax for sleep. However, your stories were so so superiorly produced than others, I started listened during walks gardening and other leisure time. My favorite are all the Tarzans and Sherlock Holmes, Thank you for enjoying your work so much, as it certainly produces a fantastic product. Yours Sincerely, G. P. Seneca, SC USA

It is refreshing to listen to these podcasts. They are well done and I enjoy trying to figure out the villain of the story. I appreciate that these are mystery podcasts often including murder without the gruesome details or stories of children being assaulted and abused. These podcasts transport me to a simpler time. I love to listen when I am ready to unwind.

Wonderfully Read!
Mr Hagadorn, Thank you so much for providing and reading these stories! I have throughly enjoyed listening to your wonderfully read Holmes and other Doyle podcasts while walking my puppers ! Well done !!!! You convey the characters so vividly ! Sue K TEXAS

Great podcast!
These stories come alive. I read many Sherlock Holmes stories as a youngster but hearing them is a treat.

Best relaxing time travel.
The reader is outstanding I listen in bed as I relax to sleep. Simple fun.