A tight knit community finds they have something to learn about forgiveness and kindness when a 20 year old widow brings her baby to town to visit with the one friend she has there.
This story gives you a seat on a Halifax to Boston train circa 1915 where you will catch a very interesting conversation between a salesman of women's wear, an electrician, and a young lady, who,tired of traveling for the past 3 days, and desirous of...
A young man from a prairie town comes to the Big City and finds a job in a discount shoe store where works a young woman who has been working for starving wages. They become working friends to the point where , when he screws up enough courage,...
A man running for governor shocks his peers by giving an unsual speech at a boy's reformitory by baring his soul and admitting that he, too, as a boy and a young man, was a bad actor. He explained what he had done, and told the boys that they could...
A young bride-to-be gets a visit from her aunt along with tsome good advice about marriage.
A young girl pursues her dream of writing a successful novel depite the responsibilities she has of caring for her mother and siblings, causing lots of troubles and heartache.
The dramatic story of a young girl living in a small community while caring for her invalid mother, who is called upon to save lives during a bad rainstorm. A huge dance which she can't attent because she could find noone to watch her mother is taking...
This gripping short story by Mary E.Wilkins Freeman involves 4 Glynn family siblings (Henry, rebecca, Caroline & Emma) who become terrified after the loss of one of their group (Edward) to death and strange shadows begin to appear on the wall of...
The incredible end of Mary Shelley's 'Romeo and Juliet' story called Brother and Sister. Any ideas for a better title to this terrific classic piece? It deserves one! Leave us a review-Thanks!
A 16th century romance which takes place in Verona Italyin a setting involving feuding families much like those in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Although this was written before 'The Gilded Age' it was still a popular read at that time, and one of...
A single aunt travels to visit and hopefully take in her orphaned niece but finds her gone and the woman who has supposedly been taking care of her is acting very strangely in a house which appears very haunted. Catch all of our podcasts at...
An unknown narrator relates the story of a woman who lived alone in their town who dressed richly and acted differently, often attracting the attention of single men. False suspicions and dislike grew in her wake, and sensing this, the woman changed...
A fun story by Eliza Leslie describing a mom and her two grown kids- allvery educated and ready to take their place in society as was the goal in "the upper classes" of the late 19th century, They are traveling through New York and a friend has...
Ann Mary's job in their house was to keep an eye on grandma while she prepared Thanksgiving dinner- and she did a good job. She was excited because the house would soon be filled with visiting family, which, since she had lost her mom and dad, meant...
In this heartwarming conlusion the family gathers for their seventh Thanksgiving and Diane, who has become the keeper of the house for mother, announces the she has a surprise for "Uncle" Silas. Check out for all our shows and episodes. ...
A young man returning home from college in new England finds his father on the verge of losing his farm and decides to quit college to help the family through.
The father of a college age boy receives a letter from his son announcing his engagenet to an older lady (32) and dad assumes the worst. He leaves NY for California with plans of convincing his son to call it off. He meets Miss Mix as she is working...
A three way attraction leads to a murder in Wyoming and one man knows the secret of who did it and why.
A domineering grandma with no faith in young men helps a young man in her neighborhood prepare and decorate a small house he had just purchased for his bride to be. Miss Sally, the grandma, has a daughter around the same age as the young man, whose...
In this moving story by Katherine Norris a young mother living in San Francisco around the turn of the century receives an unusual visitor to her home who turns out to be an older gentleman who had lived there previously and wanted to share his...
Kate Chopin wrote about life on the Louisiana Bayou after the Civil War, and she portrays the life of blacks on the plantation with tenderness and understanding. In this story a woman named LaFolle, who lives alone in a cabin far from the main home...
A great creative piece about an aging lead singer who is shown the door by her church members but decices she isn't ready for retirement. With her house located only steps from the open church windows she begins singing and playing her organ to...
New England author Alice Brown highlights a moment in life around the turn of the centuty with this npoignant short story.
A wealthy woman reaches out to help her grown son and his girlfriend after her son asks her to intervene on his behalf, having been turned down with his marriage proposal. In the process of trying to unite the two the woman finds out that her own life...