In April of 1942, the Imperial Japanese Army steamrolled through Burma (present day Myanmar), capturing the only ground route from India to China, thereby cutting off the Allies ability to supply needed arms and supplies to the resistance in...
In April of 1942, the Imperial Japanese Army steamrolled through Burma (present day Myanmar), capturing the only ground route from India to China, thereby cutting off the Allies ability to supply needed arms and supplies to the resistance in China. Supplies would now have to be flown in from India to China across the treacherous Himilayas- the most hazardous air route in the world. Skies of Thunder is the story of epic human endeavor, one in which Allied troops faced the monumental challenges of operationg from airfields hacked from the jungle and taking on "the hump", the fearsome mo9untain barrier that defined the air route. Author Carolie Alexander gives us a riveting account of what Allied heroes faced in the CBI (China-Burma-India) theater in WWII.