1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast

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That Voices of Treason episode was WOW!
Interesting insight into what people did to spread the propaganda word. You get the idea that at least some of these broadcast traitors weren’t believing what they were saying...and if they did...they were just delusional. Having been born way after WWII it was hard to relate to those broadcasts...they seemed slow compared to more contemporary advertising which blasts you with sound bites. The voice and tone of Hanoi Hanna was a real surprise...too bad we can’t ask what Adrien Kronauer must of thought of her...she seemed formidable. And hearing again the words of Baghdad Bob...hate to run into him if in another life he sold life insurance...he could still “sell” despite the blatant and obvious evidence that “Dude! The Americans are right there! Just turn around!”

Well we’ve heard from the “other side”...
Maybe we should listen to what “our” side generated...a story on America’s Psy-ops
operations and techniques should prove to be even more fun!

G Gelle DDS

Nov. 5, 2018 by 3G Gerry G on Apple Podcasts

1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast

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