The two part story of a bold plan to strike the heart of Germany by dropping 36,000 British, Canadian, Polish, and American paratroopers in German controlled Holland in Sept 1944. Dedicated to the men who never made it back, this story doesn't pull any...
OPERATION MARKETGARDEN (PT I): A BRIDGE TOO FAR...The two part story of a bold plan to strike the heart of Germany by dropping 36,000 British, Canadian, Polish, and American paratroopers in German controlled Holland in Sept 1944. Dedicated to the men who never made it back, this story doesn't pull any punches as to the command elements who screwed up through a combination of poor planning and in some cases, very likely sabotage. This is an incredible story of heroism on the part of the men who fought and liberated the south of Holland in the process. Recommended: A Bridge Too Far (Movie ) 1977 Part One: Field Marshall Montgomery devises a bold and desperate plan to drop 36,000 men behind German lines and Eisenhower reluctantly agrees. The plan is full of holes from the beginning, as intelligence is ignored and the wrong men are appointed for a few critical command positions. Finally, Sept 17th arrives and a 90 mile long, 3 mile wide armada of planes and wooden gliders take off from 24 air bases in England as the mission begins. It is the largest single day air drop in recorded history. Part II The American 82nd and 101st Airborne begin heavy fighting in Holland to secure the bridges spanning the nine waterways which the British 30 Corps, with its tanks and infantry, will need to cross along its 60 mile run from the Belgium border in the south up to Arheim, near the German border. The British 1st airborne is dropped 8 miles west of its target Arnheim, and finds that it is separated from Arnheim by two Panzer divisions. Only one brigade, Frost's Brigade, reaches Arnheim, and fights desperately to control and then hold the bridge long enough for 30 corps to reach it. Interview segments with Moffit Burris (82nd Airborne) and Brigade Commander Tony Hibbert (British 1st Paratroop Div) provided by Tony Gosling from "A Bridge Not Far" YouTube. An interview with historian Tony Gosling discussing this documentary is included at the end of this story. Includes the story of the spy "King Kong" who sabotaged the mission. Music: Reverie by Ross Bugden
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