The backstory to Frank Capra's film masterpiece "It's a Wonderful Life" featuring an exclusive interview with Karolyn Grimes Wilkerson, who played Zuzu Bailey in the film, and ended the movie with the memorable line : "Look, Daddy. Teacher says every t...
"Its A Wonderful Life: The Movie Backstory & Message: The backstory to Frank Capra's film masterpiece "It's a Wonderful Life" featuring an exclusive interview with Karolyn Grimes Wilkerson, who played Zuzu Bailey in the film, and ended the movie with the memorable line : "Look, Daddy. Teacher says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings." Karolyn, whose acting career placed her on screen with Cary Grant, Bing Crosby, Jimmy Stewart, and Donna Reed, to name a few, experienced multiple family tragedies that ended her career at an early age, but brings an inspiring message about the movie and life. Music: Ross Bugden
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