1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries
Get the book THE TRUTH AT LAST Now at Amazon! https://www.amazon.com/Amelia-Earhart-Truth-at-Last-ebook/dp/B008E08J6U
In part 2 EARHART: THE TRUTH AT LAST We cover many witness accounts from Saipan 1944 as US forces overcome fierce Japanese resistance- Earhart's Electra is seen by multiple servicemen being rolled out of hangar at Aslito Airfield, burned, and bulldozed into a pit. Multiple witnesses see white ldy with short cropped hair and thin man land in Tanapeg Harbor Saipan- later many witnesses see Amelia in Japanese custody. In addition to witnesses, we cover ONI declassified report from 1960 admitting to the high likelihood that some witness accounts are true while at the same time omitting even more powerful testimony. We cover Nimitz statement to Goerner admitting Earhart was captured and killed later on Saipan. Also efforts to build a momument to Earhart and Noonan's courage and sacrifice for what was undoubtedly a mission to spot Japanese fortifications in Pacific in preparation for an attack on Pearl Harbor 4 years later.
Mike Campbell's Blog: www.earharttruth..com
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