"Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Incredible Story That Inspired the Spielberg Movie", tells of Project Serpo, a top-secret U.S. government program that arranged an exchange program with aliens that sent 12 astronauts to a planet 40 light years...
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Incredible Story That Inspired the Spielberg Movie", tells of Project Serpo, a top-secret U.S. government program that arranged an exchange program with aliens that sent 12 astronauts to a planet 40 light years away with hopes of gaining insight to another civilization and their technologies. Inspired largely by a well-known physicist named Dr. Hynek, who had been the head of the classified "UFO Project Blue Book", and was hired by Speilberg and Columbia Pictures to advise the production of the 1977 film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", certain story lines and scenes, such as the one showing 12 astronauts boarding an alien craft near the end of the picture, are said to have been very close to reality.
Must see Paul Hellyer Video "Earthshaking Confession" UAMN TV Feb 13, 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgrCQpWz6iI&t=315s
#CloseEncountersofthethirdkind #StevenSpielberg #projectbluebook #projectserpo #UFO #paulhellyer
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