In "All Blood Runs Red Part III", we tell the story of Bullard's escape from war torn France to Spain and then Portugal, where, suffering from wounds and exhaustion, he is placed upon a ship bound for New York. Upon reaching New York, he reunites with...
In "All Blood Runs Red Part III", we tell the story of Bullard's escape from war torn France to Spain and then Portugal, where, suffering from wounds and exhaustion, he is placed upon a ship bound for New York. Upon reaching New York, he reunites with other veterans of the war, his daughters are returned, he visits the south of his boyhood only to find it hasn't changed- finding his older brother has been lynched. In New York City he is encouraged to write his story 'All Blood Runs Red", which is re-authored and released as "The Black Swallow of Death", and he appears on the Today Show with Dave Garroway. During his later years in New York, he is visited by de Gaulle, and brought to France to be one of three men to light the Eternal Flame of the Unknown Soldier before being knighted by France for his sacrifice.
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