1001 Classic Short Stories & Tales

Absolutely the BEST Podcast

I stumbled across 1001 Short Stories & Tales podcast about a year ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve never been much of a reader so having this podcast has been an eye-opening experience to all the great writers and classic short story literature out there. Jon is not only a great reader, but his passion for classic literature is obvious and contagious. This podcast is my favorite of all the growing 1001 series that Jon produces. If you’re thinking of giving this show a try, I guarantee you’ll enjoy it! I also want to encourage all you regular listeners out there to sign up to financially support this podcast. If everyone who really enjoys this show gave just $1 a month, we’d really help ensure Jon could continue this for a long time! God bless you, Jon!

Feb. 10, 2024 by @StorminNorman on Apple Podcasts

1001 Classic Short Stories & Tales

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