In 1925 Hemingway's collection of his first short stories appeared as In Our Time, and included the cryptic The Three Day Blow. He begins with a memory of WWI, then gives us a dialogue between Nick Adams (Hemingway's alter -ego in his...
A young man builds a home and vineyard at the top of a gentle slope in Virginia's Blue ridge Mountains only to find his home sliding downhill in a heavy rainstorm. S
A young man from the country travels to Boston (during the days when the British soldiers were housed there) seeking his relative Major Molineux, who had promised the young man a chance to rise up in the world should he ever travel there after his...
Bertie gort himself in realtrouble this time- he's engaged. Only Jeeves knows what to do.
A man of sciencewho has traveled the world searching for the source of the evil winds that destroy mankind finds himself pursued by them. He locks hilmself in his house in an effort to beat them.....
An aged Allan Quartermaine entertains a couple of old friends at his home who ask him for a story- and he rewards them with the story of the time he bagged 4 lions in one encounter.
A knight returns from the Crusades to his castle in Germany to find that the neighboring castle is under seige and that a beautiful 18 year old girl named Brunhilda Bernstein is defending it staunchly, the King having died during the seige and her...
Two great short stories from O.Henry! AFTER TWENTY YEARS- A cop walking the beat at night passes a man standing quietly in a passageway and they exchange greetings. The man tells the cop he is waiting for an old friend to show up- they had grown...
This is our way of reminding you that we offer new Jack London stories weekly every Sunday at noon ET at 1001 Best of Jack London- Here are the links: Our website: Hit "Follow" at Apple Podcast: Spotify:
A cranky old lady writes a mean editorial to the city paper about an organ grinder who was playing beneath her window, asking the city to move him off the streets.A reader replies giving us a picture of that part of the city and just how many people...
Father Brown and his trusty friend Flambeau are visiting an old castle in Germany when Flambeau shares the story of an unsolved murder which occurred there years ago. Browse all 12 of our 1001 stories Network shows at and visit our Patreon site at ...
The Sleuths- A man comes to New York City to find his sister whom he knows is in need of financial help but is led astray by ineffective and expensive detectives. Wictches Loaves-An older woman who owns a bakery takes pity on a regular customer who...
Bernie Wooster receives a call from an old beau inviting him up to she and her new husband's home in the country and he accepts, but has second thoughts when he finds the purpose of her invitation.
In this 1906 short story by Texas author Andy Adams a young eastern college bound man is offered a trip out west to Texas to check up on his father's investment of property outside of San Antonio. His trip, taken primarily to restore his health, turns...
From the creator of "Leave It To Jeeves" comes this short story, narrated by a character very similar to our friend Bernie Wooster- who tries to help his friend out after a marital row. It seems his pal has trouble remembering anything, and this time...
A beautiful woman enjoying an ocean cruise with her much older husband attracts the attention of two men who end up competing for her attention while our narrator tries to talk sense into the younger man. The characters are well presented...
In this hilarious short story from Down Under a company which employs door-to-door book salesmen finds itself in serious trouble when , at the end of a long and successful sales push, the salesmen beging quitting dbecause the...
Father Brown and his pal Flambeau take a tour of the Cornwall coast and are led to an old pirates home with a lot of legend attached. . They have no idea that they and the owner will be targets of a murder attempt within a few hours. Check out all of...
Bertie helps out an old pal who is trying to extract a bigger allowance from his rich uncle so he can marry a waitress. They turn to Jeeves for a way to talk his uncle into it.
Sim and Lyta join a group of warriors led by Chion who are headed for the other cave clan with the object of taking lives which will add days to theor own. Because those caves are located half way to the wrecked ship Sim believes that will be their...
Our protagonist is a young man whose family and ancestors have been marooned on a nearly uninhabitable planet with no hope of escaping. Here, because of harmful radiation, they are born they age, and die after 8 days They have the advantage of having...
Bernie Wooster's old pal stops by to share his troubles- those being the fact that his Uncle's monthly checks have dried up- and being to proud to borrow from Bernie, he is seeking an answer. Bernie asks Jeeves.... Join us at to enjoy all our shows...
A young up and coming attorney decides to court two young ladies and put them to the test to see which is the better marriage material, so he asks them to join him for a sleigh ride across an icy river... Join us at for all 12podcasts, including our...
In the winter of 1915-1916 Jack and his wife Charmian London sailed their Snark to Hawaii, It was a bittersweet return to paradise for both of them, Jack have come there twice before, one of those times with Charmaine. But th...