Two great short stories from O.Henry! AFTER TWENTY YEARS- A cop walking the beat at night passes a man standing quietly in a passageway and they exchange greetings. The man tells the cop he is waiting for an old friend to show up- they had grown...
Two great short stories from O.Henry!
AFTER TWENTY YEARS- A cop walking the beat at night passes a man standing quietly in a passageway and they exchange greetings. The man tells the cop he is waiting for an old friend to show up- they had grown up together there in the city and became separated after agreeing to meet at this time and place in exactly 20 years.....
LOST ON DRESS PARADE- A twenty-something young man invests in a fine outfit and plans on dining at the best places so he can see and be seen by the wealthy and popular with hopes he can move up in society. On the way to dine he runs into a beautiful young lady who has twisted her ankle. She is wearing a cheap dress and she hasn't been formally introduced to the young man but he talks her into forgetting social graces and dining with him. During dinner he begins putting on airs and dropping names in an effort to impress....
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