March 12, 2023


1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries

"Ancient Civilizations & Mysteries: the Cayce Interviews": The first of a multi-part series based upon the readings of the most prolific psychic of the 20th century- Edgar Cayce. The interviews were done with leading authors and experts at The Edgar Cayce Association For Research & Enlightenment. Edgar Cayce has given us a treasure trove of documented readings on holistic healing, man's spiritual journey and purpose, past lives, ancient civilizations, reincarnation, dream interpretation, and much more.

 Go to for information. Todays show contents in chronological order: Stonehenge~Egypt~Atlantis~higher consciousness~merging science and spirituality~the journey of humanity~Cayce's theory on vibration being the creator of the universe~ Cayce's predictions on age of Great Pyramid and Sphinx proven true~Cayce's theories on early civilizations new being proven true~ Cayce reading predicts 27.5 inches, the measurement that built the Pyramids and Stonehenge, comes true~America's first civilizations 50,000 years ago, evidence now being found which backs Cayce's readings~Salutrient tips found ~DNA and the Basque~Cayce 's readings (120) on Essene culture later proven true w/ discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls ~The Akashic Records~ Cayce on Jesus 

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